Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Symptoms of Appendix

Appendicitis is the inflammation of the Appendix. Appendix, the anatomical name for which is, vermiform appendix, literally means worm-like appendage. The appendix is a closed-ended, narrow tube up to several inches in length that is attaches itself to the cecum, which is the first part of the colon like a worm. The open central core of the appendix drains into the cecum. The inner lining of the appendix produces a small amount of mucus that flows through the open central core of the appendix and into the cecum. The wall of the appendix contains lymphatic tissue that is part of the immune system for making antibodies. Like the rest of the colon, the wall of the appendix also contains a layer of muscle, but the layer of muscle is poorly developed.
Pain followed by vomiting and further followed by Fever are the former give away for appendicitis. Except for the children below 3 the pain, which begins in the abdomen, localizes in the iliac fossa in a matter of few hours. The Symptoms of Appendicitis are easily detectable at an early stage.
In early stages, you can start to feel appendix symptoms that are mild. The most easily recognizable sign is a pain not far from your navel. As your appendix inflammation continues, it starts to move to your lower right abdomen. During this shift, the disease starts to spread to nearby tissues. The aching starts to become sharper and stronger. The pain eventually settles in the lower part of your abdomen, not far from where your appendix actually is. The point is found midway from your navel to your upper right pelvic bone. The point is commonly known as the McBurney point. Pain that is found in this location is a leading sign that you are suffering from appendicitis.You also can suffer from other appendix symptoms alongside the pain. These symptoms are important to be aware of, particularly in children who might not communicate the area of their pain properly.
The classic symptoms of appendicitis include:
  • Dull pain near the navel or the upper abdomen that becomes sharp as it moves to the lower right abdomen. This is usually the first sign.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and/or vomiting soon after abdominal pain begins
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Fever of 99° F to 102° F
  • Inability to pass gas
The other give away for appendicitis at an early stage include:
  • Dull or sharp pain anywhere in the upper or lower abdomen, back, or rectum
  • Painful urination
  • Vomiting that precedes the abdominal pain
  • Severe cramps
  • Constipation or diarrhea with gas
Incase of the occurrence of these symptoms it is extremely essential to seek medical advice and obtain treatment. The following symptoms should be treated lightly as delay in treatment can prove fatal.