A toothache basically refers to a pain in the areas of your teeth, jaws and gums. Having a tooth ache could be very painful and uncomfortable as it poses a problem in eating, drinking, talking and even breathing. It releases an excruciating pain which could be further aggravated by exposure to hot and cold food or beverages. Toothache could be caused by a variety of problems such as gum disease or infection, dental cavity, some improper eating or drinking habits and so on. Some people find it very difficult and discomforting to turn to pharmaceutical remedies; therefore home remedies for toothacheare pretty much sought after. They can be done any time at home, and it saves a lot of cost, though it takes a little time. But home remedies are supposed to be one of the best cures for toothache if done with proper care and attention.
Toothache relief using garlic is done with a clove of garlic with a little rock salt and is placed on the affected tooth. It is believed to cure the pain and relieves the pain from your affected tooth. It makes teeth healthy and strong. Garlic is one of the most traditional means and methods of curing tooth pain for the sole reason like its inexpensive, and has been one of the most effective remedy. Garlic can be used with other substitute like clove or clove oil for immediate action on pain. But excessive care should be taken as too much garlic can react very strong and cause skin irritation.
Onion as a toothache relief is meant to be one of the easiest ways to get relief from tooth pain. Research reveals that onion is best for having a lot of bactericidal properties. It is done by simply placing a slice of onion over the affected area. Being low in fat and calories and effectively high in sodium and certain vitamins, chewing raw onions for atleast 3 minutes is surely an effective way of getting all the germs killed in your mouth, leaving the affected teeth much stronger and healthier and relieving you from your toothache.
Using lime as a remedy for toothache can be done by eating raw lime along with the peel. Lime, acting as a rich source for vitamin C is useful in getting one out of all the pain in their tooth and prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, bleeding of gums and dental carries. It has lower levels of acidity as compared to any other vitamin c source, and thus its effectiveness is seen and experienced by its effect of vitamin C on the toothache.
Using pepper powder and common salt is an excellent dentifrice wherein a mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and about a teaspoon of common salt prevents bleeding and painful gums relieves tooth aches, prevents tooth decays. It regulates the sensitivity of the tooth, which is essentially important as sensitive tooth could be disturbed while consuming extremely hot or cold stuff. Also, a pinch of pepper powder can be used mixed with clove oil on the dental cavities removes any kind of pain and alleviates the toothache.
Toothache relief using Bay Berry where the paste of the bark of Bay Berry with a little mixed with vinegar helps in strengthening the gums. It can also be used with cloves as they are said to be one of the most effective remedies for tooth problems as they not only help in relieving the pain off your tooth but also kill all the germs that contribute to infection in our mouth, tooth and gums.
Note: All these home remedies are only for informational purposes and they are not substitutes for professional medical advice.
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