Facts are always helpful in a discussion and often drive us towards a valid conclusion, but this battle between Automatic cars and Manual cars has never seemed to lose its steam for over 3 decades now. It is important to understand how these two types of cars are technically different, manual transmission cars being solely under the driver’s control, meaning the driver has to operate the gear, clutch, and break or accelerator for the car to function. Automatic transmission cars cut out these chores and let you drive the car as easily as a go-kart, with you just having to control the break or accelerator.
- One of the foremost things to consider is how passionate you are about driving in general, and the car you’re going to get your hands on to. There’s hardly a doubt in the automobile industry about the kind of essence felt while driving a manual car, which is unmatched to its counterpart, as an automatic car does not let you get involved with the car’s functioning apart from playing with other inbuilt features like the music system etc. You just have to control the breaks and the accelerator, making it look like child’s play. If you’re a beginner, it is recommended you learn driving with a manual car, as it lets you establish your control over cars from your very first ride and knowing how a car functions under your control would definitely make you a better driver.
- Be sure of the car’s purpose for you. If you’re the kind of person seeking maximum output from your car’s engine, manual cars would suit you best. They let you test the full potentialities of your car and produce better fuel efficient results if handled well, than automatic cars. You would also save up on power as the driver takes up the responsibility of controlling the gears and clutch. Automatic cars hardly let you test your car’s limits and pulls down the fuel efficiency focusing the power on controlling the change in gears and speed.
- Manual cars are priced lower than automatic cars, with the difference in price ranging from over Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 70,000 majorly due to the technological aspects involved in an automatic car. On busy streets, handling an automatic car is a lot easier than driving a manual car as the stop and go system requires the driver to be alert and agile all the while. This kills the driving comfort and also takes a toll on the fuel efficiency of the car, making manual cars optimum for highways and automatic cars fit for moving within the city. Another major concern for car owners is the cost of maintenance of the vehicle once purchased. Manual cars for the simple mechanics involved makes it a cheaper option than automatic cars which make you pay more in case of any break downs or even regular maintenance to get the system back in place.
The auto industry keeps on advancing at a very rapid pace and we’re already witnesses to the new kind of transmission available in cars: semi-manual and semi-auto transmission cars which claim to have balanced off the two extremes by making the clutch electronically controlled and gears to be handled by the driver. These pointers with a proper test drive should be enough for you make the right choice!
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