Windows 8, the latest version of Microsoft Windows Computer Operating System comes after windows 7. In comparison to windows 7, windows 8 is much more advanced as it has many changes. This version of Microsoft windows will work on ARM microprocessors as well as on Intel and AMD microprocessors. The windows 8 release date has not been specified yet but it will be sometime in late 2012. Windows 8 consumer preview release date has been specified to be on 29th of February and it will be available for download on that date between 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Windows 8 Beta is also called as Windows 8 Consumer Preview as it is still in the process of testing.
- 64-bit version – OS
- 32-bit version – OS
- 64-bit version with developer tools
Windows 8 Features
Windows 8 is a big improvement of windows 7 and it is going to come with numerous useful features such as Windows App Store, better security features and many more like I mentioned before Windows 8 will work on ARM based tablets as well as x86 PCs based on ARM processors of Intel and AMD.
Windows 8 is a big improvement of windows 7 and it is going to come with numerous useful features such as Windows App Store, better security features and many more like I mentioned before Windows 8 will work on ARM based tablets as well as x86 PCs based on ARM processors of Intel and AMD.
Here are the features of Windows 8: -
Windows To Go - Windows To Go is a feature of Windows 8 that lets the windows boot from a USB device. This includes settings, files and user’s programs. Windows To Go will work on both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. This feature will not allow the user to Hibernate.
Windows Store – Windows Store is quite similar to Mac app store where the users can look for various applications. Windows Store offers various Windows applications to the users and developers can publish their apps on other devices with Windows 8.
Windows 8 User Interface – Windows 8 has a very interactive user interface. This UI will give you the important information you need and allows you to control it in a very simple manner. You can navigate with the User Interface with Touch or Mouse and keyboard.
Windows Defender – Windows defender came up with Windows Vista and now it is getting better with the upcoming Windows 8. Windows defender will be a complete anti malware which will protect your windows as well as device from all kinds of malware like virus, worms, Trojans and rootkits.
Internet Explorer 10 – Windows 8 will come with the new version of Internet Explorer 10 which does not have any browser plug-ins and extensions but it will have a full screen browsing mode by default. It also adds more security to web applications. Some of the other features of Windows 8 include: -
- Kinect
- Hyper-V
- Better Windows Phone Sync
- Better File Management
- Multi-User Tablets
- Live Tiles
- Reset and Refresh
Here are some of pre installed Apps that are available on Windows 8: -
- Camera
- Messaging
- Calendar
- SkyDrive
- People
- Photos
- Video
- Music
Here are the games that will be available on Windows 8 Beta: -
- Hydro Thunder
- Toy Soldiers
- Reckless Racing
- Angry Birds
- Ilomilo
- Rocket Riot
- Full House Poker
- Tentacles
- Crash Course
- Ms Splosion Man
- Wordament
Something that’s in all of our minds about Windows 8 is if we are going to be able to install Windows 8 on our old laptops. Well I guess the right way to ask this question would be what are the Windows 8 minimum System Requirements?
Do not worry, because it is said that Windows 8 has the same requirements of Windows 7 which include: -
- 1 GHz or faster 32-bit or 64-bit processor
- 1 GB RAM 32-bit or 2 GB RAM 64-bit
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