Once we click a picture, the quality of that image is determined within a minute. Early years, just like traditional processing Photoshop is not the last resort or even considered to be a resort to edit pictures. But a common phrase is well known among all young photographers, “I’ll fix it later, in Photoshop!” Does the young generation mean that they are more comfortable in front of a computer than in back of a camera? More than an ethical photographer, many love to enjoy the feedback given after editing the images in Photoshop, the manipulation software.
I came across a phrase a photographer shared, “Photoshop is like the new-age cosmetic to your original image”. How true is that! But if students say that they are more comfortable on the computer, they are losing the charm of real photography and they mean they have a better meaning to photography when they use photoshop! Photoshop is leads a great business in the list of any professional/formal training of photography.
There are many photographers who CANNOT do without using Photoshop and the consequences are that they fail to present a beautiful picture instead of a ‘good to see’ captured image. And, to make a larger story such kind of photographers cannot impress larger audience/networks. In initial stages, the images appear fantastic but gradually they get boring and create disorientation and some people may not follow his/her pictures, future.
Realistically or practically Photoshop and some other softwares are a great tool to change the photographic image. The issue is among the young budding photographers and their addiction to these softwares and tools. Photoshop cannot be underestimated commercially because it has been successful in replacing the traditional processing of images since the early years of history.
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