Friday, August 3, 2012

Online shopping-The next big thing

Online shopping is a stereotype of buying and selling products without interference of any intermediaries involved; over the internet. Since companies like amazon and ebay made its command over the pioneer ship of online shopping some years ago, there are now many such companies competing with each other. How is the whole new venture of online shopping emerging in India, we’ll find out!
In a country like India, where people are so fascinated with the word ‘discount’; the online shopping portals are giving their customers/consumers what they want! These websites are a prototype of virtual store wherein people can log in and browse products. It is an effort made by these companies to fade away the habit of physical shopping; the way people have been doing it since generations. Now, they have loads of goodies to offer. Firstly, as Indians prefer discounts, good quality, and better price; they all have it on their portal.
Ishita Swaroop, the CEO of says, “people in India prefer products in various colors, shapes and sizes. If they are shopping online, they want the product description, zooming in the product images etc. So they can make a purchase from any online portal”. In recent years, online shopping has been trending peoples’ habits. So the online shopping portals are totally in the groove of non-store shopping and providing the customers what they look for.
Now, we find out is online shopping really secure?
There are few websites who match up the industry standards when it comes to security of debit and credit cards. So, you might think all your personal details are secure and safe inside a den. But are they really? Some researches show that the term and practice of ‘ethical hacking’ has turned the tables. Studies have also exposed that the way your information is being stored is unprofessional and unethical. For example, most sites use the customer’s email and a username; which they generally ask for when helping customers with a forgotten password. Of those which were put to test, 60-75% responded to forgotten passwords tab and thereby finding out whether the email was in the database or not!
Does online shopping save money?
Shopping online can save your money using the discount codes, deals of the day and free shipping offers. Retailers do not do that on a very frequent basis so the customers are pulled towards the glory of the word ‘discount’. Logistics are also a whole new issue when it comes to online shopping. The websites are making it more trouble-free for the shoppers by using the policy of cash on delivery and much later in this picture, return policy also made its place!
What’s the future mantra?
The consumers love to compare prices on various website and choose for the best price; achieving the objective of value for money. More than a decade later, online shopping scene will be at an established point in the retail sector. And studies show that the consumers, who are currently shopping online, will continue to shop more from such online shopping portals and even grow! Now that’s good news for online merchants.
Online shopping will stretch its boundaries and reach zenith in next decade. It is and will be successful in setting a milestone in the retail segment.